

[線上]Navigating the United States: Expanding Your Startup

  • 網站連結:https://www.surveymonkey....
  • 開始時間:2022-10-20 21:00
  • 結束時間:2022-10-20 22:00
  • 主辦單位:美國商務部
  • 地       點:臺北市此為線上活動
  • 費用性質:免費
  • 期間限定:國際主題
  • #國際主題
[線上]Navigating the United States: Expanding Your Startup


美國商務部將於2022年10月20日舉行一場線上講座「Navigating the United States: Expanding Your Startup」,講座將介紹如何向美國創投募資、如何在美落地,及相關美國政府資源等議題。歡迎所有有興趣的新創報名參加。

Navigating the United States: Expanding Your Startup
Thinking about expanding and scaling your startup to the United States but unsure how to navigate the U.S. tech ecosystems? Hear insights from a seasoned panel of experts discussing some of these topics to help answer your questions about expanding into the United States. 

Please complete the registration questions below.  You will then receive the calendar invite and Teams link for the webinar "Navigating the United States: Expanding Your Startup." 

This webinar will take place on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 9:00am - 10:00am EDT. 

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