


  • 地址:臺北市大安區仁愛路三段136號8樓805室
  • 電話:02-33435456
  • 電子郵件:ask@startupstadium.tw
  • 類別屬性:加速器
  • 官方網站: 進入網站
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  • 可獲得投資機會
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  • 可進駐
  • 創業家簽證認可
  • 政府單位營運
  • 績優推薦
  • 在地交流


Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS) is a leading startup ecosystem builder in Taiwan. With our comprehensive global resources, we aim to build a “one alliance, one platform, and one academy” mindset to serve startups, investors, and corporations throughout Asia. Aside from leveraging a broad network of ecosystem players, we also provide solid coaching programs through extensive bootcamps and workshops designed to empower entrepreneurs to grow and succeed in their startup journey. 

We STRENGTHEN the startup ecosystem by building strong bonds among member startups, and collaborating with local and International partners, such as international accelerators, partners, and corporates. 
我們有凝聚科技創業精神的會員社群 Starting Lineup X,透過連結世界知名加速器、商務夥伴、科技企業等夥伴資源,協助會員們進軍國際市場、強化新創生態圈。 

We COACH startups to go global through bootcamps, workshops, pre-conference pre-event trainings, and 1-on-1 accelerator coaching. 

We BRIDGE the Taiwan and international startup ecosystems by taking startups to international conferences, hosting overseas events, matching Taiwan startups with international investors, global mentors, overseas accelerators, and media. 
我們還策劃了 #TaiwanRocks 海外參展系列活動、讓台灣與國際新創生態圈接軌,為具潛力的科技新創公司媒合國際投資人、創業導師、加速器、及媒體。

In an effort to bridge and create stronger bonds between Asian ecosystem builders as well as to demonstrate and project the excellence of Asian startups, we recently launched our new initiative #AsiaRocks. It gathers Asian ecosystem players all in one place and enables participants to connect, explore, and strengthen the consolidation of resources within Asia to propel Asian startups to the world.
為強化亞洲各國新創產業生態建構家的連結、亦是為了讓亞洲新創們能夠展現優良的成績,我們開展了 #AsiaRocks 系列活動。我們將遍佈全球的新創角色齊聚一堂,使與會者能夠共同探索並加强亞洲内部資源整合、從而将亞洲新創推向世界。


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